Finally a wet run
It’s been six or seven weeks without a rain here in Milan. I was really bored of sunny, hot and humid days. I love the clouds, the wind and the rain and today it came to be really a wet day. With such a beautiful day, I couldn’t stay at home watching the rain falling down. I had to run under the rain and so I did.
It’s very good to run in the rain, ’cause it’s the proof a runner is committed to the run with every weather condition, not just for the comfortable sunny days.
Running in the wet it’s not just cool, it’s a day you won’t miss your training schedules, it’s a day you can prove yourself you are out there ’cause you believe in waht you’r doing and to me, the rain gets me in a zone (and usually I run faster)
Today I pushed myself in a speed work and (unexpectedly 48hrs after the 20miles on last sunday), I ran fast, most of the time my pace was less than 5 minutes/km (8 minutes/mile). I did 9km (5.6miles) in 45minutes. I think it’s not bad to me, because just 48 hours before I ran for 3h30′ and 32km (20miles) and my muscles repired good. That’s another good day and a nice run I can rember and it’s another step forward the upcoming marathon. (I met many runners on my path and we all waved each other 🙂 )